Renée Content & WatchThemLive

Client: WatchThemLive

Industry: User Tracking, Session Recordings, Heatmap

Services: Email Marketing, Content Marketing, Technical Content Writing, Landing Page Copywriting

Year: 2021-2022

WatchThemLive is a user-tracking tool that enables business owners to watch their user behaviors through session recordings and heatmaps.

We were responsible for all marketing channels including email marketing, content marketing, technical content writing, and landing page copywriting.

We set up their email marketing system and used winning copywriting and storytelling techniques to bring in the clients effectively and efficiently.

Check Out These Incredible Numbers

Nobody could have done it better!
Email Open Rate Increase
0 %
Email CTOR Increase
0 %
Emails Crafted
0 +
Technical Articles Written
0 +
Landing Pages Developed
0 +
0 X